DIY Bliss Wildflower Jar

As a staff member at Bliss Dough, it was extremely hard to pass up getting the Valentine's Box for myself... so I did. Though there are multiple goodies I'm thoroughly enjoying, I'd have to say I'm most intrigued and excited by the "plantable" card I received from The Good Card, which is infused with various wildflower seeds. 

The idea behind these cards is to bring new life, and make the giving process even more beautiful. How many of us have boxes full of cards that we can't bring ourselves to throw away?? Receiving a hand crafted and environmentally conscious item like this, that I can watch bloom over time, creates such a magical experience that likely won't be forgotten. 

I of course had to finish my Red Velvet dough immediately so that I could get the seeds started, so I figured I would share the process. Finishing my jar of dough also gave me the perfect container to plant in and be able to see all the growth once I removed the label! Along with the card itself (and envelope), you will receive a small sachet with simple instructions and a soil puck to plant your card in. I simply added water to the puck and watched it grow.

Now, I'm not saying you HAVE to rip up your card (especially if the message inside is one you can't part with), but I was eager to shred mine for this little project. There aren't specific instructions on how big of a piece you should be planting, so I made various little tears and spread them throughout the soil in my jar before covering everything up.  

What I am currently left with is... not the most exciting thing to look at... but within just a few shorts weeks I should be seeing some tiny, baby wildflowers. It's important to keep the soil moist during this time to encourage growth and to place in an area with ample light as this will quicken germination. 

Patience is not necessarily my strong suit, but for the sake of the blog I will be back with updates on my Bliss plant babies <3

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